Tuesday 24 January 2012

just some Sketchbook pro stuff, im such an autodesk fanboy!
This sketch is what im aiming for this hangar thing to look like

Ok, so im in 3dsmax and this is a WIP for a wheel for the vehicles that are going to be in the final environment

Saturday 21 January 2012

Ok, an update, this first concept has been taken to a more finnished stage, Im pretty happy with this, onto the next idea...

And these are the render passes that I did in blender to obtain the final image,

Friday 20 January 2012

A new thing created from scratch in blender,  I will try to develop this further

Thursday 19 January 2012

These are some large sketches,

 This one is looking up at one of these generators for this circular machine thing. Its very rough

The bottom one was something I drew from an earlier idea burst I had, but I think its valid reference, and I quite like it

Right then, some concepts, very quick very dirty color sketch that give the impression of the environment at about 18ft high. more to come.